1:The final drive does not operate alone.
Your final drive is not a separate part that can operate. It needs to interact with the hydraulic system.
This means that if the excavator hydraulic system fails, it may affect the performance of the final drive. The failure in the final drive will also affect other components.
Therefore, the most important thing is to check other areas that may cause the final drive motor to not work properly, such as charge pumps, brakes and narrow tracks. And what needs to be maintained for the rest of the hydraulic system.
2:Try to keep the work area clean.
This tip refers to that the area where you intend to open the final drive is clean-unless you can put down some clean cardboard or plywood and keep away from dust, you shouldn’t open a final drive in the wild.
Dust and sand will contaminate and reduce the efficiency and performance of the final drive
If the final drive is opened in an unclean environment, there is a risk of introducing contaminated sand and dust and severely damaging the machine. Many new machines have very low tolerance for pollution.
3: Plug the port and hose.
Even if you do not open the final drive on the job site, you will most likely have to disconnect the hydraulic line at some point.
Before performing this operation. Please take a few minutes to clean these ports, and then plug the ports and hoses with a clean lint-free cloth or a small towel. This can not only minimize the confusion caused by the hydraulic oil, but will keep contamination out of your final drive motor.
4:If you have a case drain filter, check it.
We cannot emphasize this enough: if your machine has a case drain filter , then you need to replace it when you replace all your other hydraulic filters. It may seem like a lot of trouble, but this simple maintenance step can save you thousands (and we are not exaggerating) in repairs. If it ends up clogged, like the one shown in the image above, your final drive can end up totaled. Pressure will begin to build up on the planetary side, blowing seals and eventually allowing hydraulic fluid to mix with your gear oil. It is not uncommon for cover plates to crack or blow off under the kind of pressure that results.
5:If there is a leak, please repair it in time.
This may be another tip that you will get tired of: if a leak occurs, not only important fluids will be lost from the system, but contaminants will also enter the interior. Don’t ignore the leak and they will not disappear.
Transmission hydraulic motor gear sludge
Leakage will cause damage to the final drive motor, especially on the planetary gear side.
If most of the gear oil leaks out. It will cause the planetary gears and bearings to dry out. They will be damaged and cannot be repaired.
This is why the gear oil level should be checked regularly and the gear oil should be replaced in time.
Post time: Oct-26-2020